African oriented TV Channel, Planet TV has repackaged it's content for better delivery and is set for a fresh launch in Nigeria. The CEO of Planet TV, Mabel Mabaso speaking on the need for a new TV content that will excite viewers, “We have seen the need to incorporate more general entertainment and more lifestyle programming. Our plans now are to evolve and give the market even more,” the charismatic director revealed."
Come March 16, 2015, a new and improved version of PRTV is set to be presented. The day will mark the official re-launching of the channel as Planet TV. “What will make planet TV a lot better is the new look and feel. The vibrant, bold, new lively look, great colours, and the ability to appeal aesthetically to a market that wants to see the highest quality in our content and graphics is what will make it stand out. Our viewers won’t just watch Planet TV, they will experience it. It will be a new viewing experience for them,” Mabaso maintained .
Audiences will still be able to enjoy premium shows such as; Planet Power: A live interactive request show. Twitter sphere: A social media orientated show exploring social media trends , entertainment news and giving live updates to the viewer from various hip locations while simultaneously interacting via twitter. As E dey hot: A Pidgin show delving into the lives of communities their daily struggles and dynamics. Planet Mix: The continents biggest songs remixed for your viewing and listening pleasure by the continents biggest Dj’s.
PLTV or Planet TV will appeal to both Nigerians and South Africans as the channel offers more general entertainment and lifestyle from both the West and the South. Mabel Mabaso explained that the company still aims to maintain the PRTV DNA which is to be digitally African and interactive. “We are still going to be 80% African content with 20 % of the content being International. We will still speak to the same age group and demographic. In terms of interactivity, viewers have always been able to tweet, Skype and call into our live shows. We are still going to pick up feeds from Facebook. and put them on live shows as they happen. On the new Planet TV however, our viewers will be able to send in text messages.
PLTV’s new look and feel utilizes graphics that convey the stations commitment to delivering interactive, engaging and digitally African stories, with an emphasis on uniting African youth on one platform. The new branding will have cleaner lines and consist of the bold and eye catching colours the brand is known for. The logo encapsulates all that Planet TV is, aspirational, proud, and African.
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